Saturday, June 21, 2014

Through research, innovations, improvemetns, developmetns and hardworks, SENSEI JOHNNY TENEGRA created AIKIJO / AIKIJOTSO Martial Arts, the Martial Arts of Pease ("Mapayapang Defensa" in Filipino).

AIKIJO / AIKIJOTSO is a unique martial arts, the martial arts of peace.  it is a mixed of ancient martial arts philosophies, disciplines, principles, concepts, movements, and techniques, blended together to the innovated, improved and developed techniques of Aikido as a comprehensive and effective martial arts of self defense with emphasis on a peaceful (approach) concept.


AIKIJO / AIKIJOTSO Martial Arts has two versions.  The first is the Soft Version called Aikijo.  The second is the hard version called Aikijotso.

AIKI is a Japanese word.  Ai means Love or Harmony and Ki means Energy, Spirit or Power.  JOTSO means J = Joint, O = Offenses, T = To, S = Subdue, and O = Opponent/s.  Hence, AIKIJO means Harmonious Energy Joint Offenses and AIKIJOTSO means Harmonious Energy Joint Offenses TO Subdue Opponents.
AIKIJO / AIKIJOTSO utilize / use the innovated, improved, and developed most effective functional movements and techniques.  It streamlined and simplified the basic arts for easier understanding and execution that help practitioner/s especially new members to easily learn and understand the martial arts and the advance applications of the martial arts later on.

O'SENSEI MORIHEI UESHIBA, the founder of Aikido and his son, The GREAT BELOVED DOSHU KISSHOMARU UESHIBA, encouraged the development of the martial arts.  Sensei Johnny Tenegra when he got good knowledge and understanding of Aikido, started  the research, innovations, developments, and improvements of the martial arts.

Later, The GREAT BELOVED DOSHU KISSHOMARU UESHIBA, president of Aikikai Foundation / the Aikido World Headquarter (Hombu),Tokyo, Japan (the son of O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba), recognized and authorized Sensei Johnny Tenegra as sole Aikido represneative of Aikikai Foundation , the Aikido World Headquarters (Hombu) in the Philippines to ORGANIZE, DEVELOP, and PROPAGATE AIKIDO.

The PILIPINAS AIKIDO PROPAGATION ASSOCIATION (PAPA), the organization founded and headed by SENSEI JOHNNY TENEGRA was officially recognized as represenatative Aikido Organization in the Philippines of Aikido World Headquarters (Hombu) Tokyo, Japan. for INSTRUCTIONS and TRAINING of the martial arts. Both documents, the Recognition and Authorization of Sensei Johnny Tenegra as sole represenative of Aikikai Foundation, the Aikido world headquarters (Hombu) Tokyo, Japan, to organize, develop and propagate Aikido and the Official Recognition of Pilipinas Aikido Propagation Assocation as sole representative organization of Aikido World Headquarters for instructions and training were all signed and given by Great Beloved Doshu Kissomaru Ueshiba, president of Aikikai Foundation, the Aikido World Headquarters (Hombu), Tokyo, Japan and by the GREAT BELOVED MASTER KISABURO OSAWA, the general director of AIKIKAI FOUNDATION, THE AIKIDO WORLD HEADQUARTERS (HOMBU) Tokyo, Japan.

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